Who are YOU working safe for?

Sep 16, 2014 / in Newsroom / by admin

Picture1 Co-Line employees were treated to a free lunch paid by Co-Line and a safety presentation by Chuck Martinek with LMC Insurance on Thursday, July 31. Co-Liners utilized the big tent and enjoyed a beautiful day for late July with unseasonably cool temperatures. Chuck challenged the employees on who they are working safe for. Employees shouldn't work safe because their boss told them so, or because it will save the company money, or because of any safety records. Employees should choose to work safe for the people that greet them at home after each shift. Chuck asked the group for several examples from employees on why they work. Examples included: golf, beer, hunting, pay bills, grandchildren, children, etc. Employees also listed out unsafe actions they have taken recently. The list included no safety glasses, putting hands where they shouldn't be, horse play, driving without a seatbelt on the forklift, texting while driving, drinking while driving, etc. The group then went through a very hard example where Chuck made the group say out loud with each safety violation what item they were giving up. As the list narrowed and only employee kids' names remained, the group was very silent. Who are you working safe for? “The clarity of Chuck's message on safety dramatically exposed the consequences of unsafe decisions and behaviors,” said Dale Brand. “His presentation did not include the commercialized buzz words and slogans about safety, and touched the heart of the true reasons to work safely. Chuck went beyond the professional work place and into our personal lives. We each own the decision to live our lives safely; no amount of training and safety equipment can do that for us.”