Wellness in the Works

Aug 19, 2015 / in Newsroom / by admin

Forty-one Co-Liners and 21 spouses met at least one Wellness challenge during the second quarter. They were successful in challenges like tracking their water intake for a whole month, doing jumping jacks during commercial breaks, and not drinking pop for 30 days. In recognition of their accomplishments, Co-Line paid out a total of $1,420 in cash to participants at the quarterly meeting on July 31. In addition, 30 of the participants completed one challenge every month of the quarter (April, May, and June) and were rewarded with either a hat or a headband. Keep up the great work, Co-Liners! [caption id="attachment_2577" align="aligncenter" width="1030"]Co-Liners accept their reward for completing wellness challenges in the second quarter. Co-Liners accept their reward for completing wellness challenges in the second quarter.[/caption]