Thanksgiving Food Drive

Dec 4, 2018 / in Newsroom / by admin

Co-Line’s second annual food donation drive netted 627 pounds of non-perishable food products for the East Jasper Christian Food Pantry. For each pound of food donated by employees, Co-Line matched monetarily and on Monday, Nov. 26, the company presented East Jasper Christian Food Pantry with a check for $627 in addition to the two pallets of food. “Instead of catering in a big feast for our employees the day before Thanksgiving as we had for years, we started a new tradition last year encouraging employees to bring in food pantry donations in exchange for a free pizza lunch. The response was greater than we could imagine and together Team Co-Line is blessing many others during this holiday season,” shared the Brand family. The food donated for the Thanksgiving Food Drive filled a van and was quite a load to sort and count. Luckily, third generation Co-Liners, Carter and Abigail Brand, had it all sorted and weighed prior to the van arriving. 46513488_2151905211514188_1965312996687216640_n46513401_2151905261514183_2448667941869191168_n46508669_2151905234847519_7782307060464484352_n46492903_2151905278180848_7837969621872279552_n46505819_2151905314847511_3100539532387287040_nIMG_1638IMG_1615