November Building Addition Progress Report

Dec 2, 2016 / in Newsroom / by admin

The south building addition continued right on track in November. The three overhead cranes arrived, the footings were poured for the two concrete storm shelters, and an additional electrical transformer was placed. Also, the exterior lighting was completed and “looks and works fantastic for security and safety,” according to Rail Brand. At the time of printing, plumbing was being installed, final preparations for concrete were in the works, and fire extinguisher locations were being designated with the extinguishers being mounted. [caption id="attachment_3378" align="alignright" width="300"]One of the three cranes that arrived at Co-Line on Nov. 8 is pictured being unloaded in the south building expansion. Each crane is 80 feet long and has a 10-ton capacity. One of the three cranes that arrived at Co-Line on Nov. 8 is pictured being unloaded in the south building expansion. Each crane is 80 feet long and has a 10-ton capacity.[/caption] Looking at the month ahead, the plumbing will be finished, more concrete will be poured, and the electrical work will be advanced, including additional indoor lighting expected to be installed toward the end of December. Since the addition can already be used some for storage, the cleared-up space in the original building allowed for the moving of the tube laser to the south building in November. Already, trucks coming into the building from north to south as well as from east to west have been able to unload simultaneously. “The extra room is just working fantastic with great safety and efficiency for all the material handling,” Rail said.