Co-Line Customs' recent projects

Sep 1, 2017 / in Newsroom / by admin

The glider bench pictured at right was recently restored to its former glory by Co-Line Customs. The bench, believed to be from the 1920s, arrived at IMG_0087Co-Line with little to no paint, bent parts, and no base frame to swing on. A new base frame was fabricated, and all parts were straightened. The bench was redesigned to have roller bearings to swing on. It was then sent to Double B Blasting to get sand blasted. Upon return, it was painted by the Co-Line paint line, with help on color choice by Tony Van Wyk. The Sully Locker & Market sign pictured below was created for the locker’s new location in Sully. The sign was designed by LeAnn Hjelmeland with laser files for the lettering and cleaver made by Brad Rozendaal. Next, the sign went to the laser dept., and the framework was custom fabricated and assembled at Co-Line Customs. The project went to the paint line and then was installed by Don Steenhoek and Jacob Jansen.IMG_0344-web