Co-Line connects with career-seeking individuals at fair
Co-Line had an opportunity to reach over 1,000 college-age students and others looking into jobs at a career fair at Indian Hills Community College on Thursday, Feb. 16.
The event was a partnership with Iowa Workforce Development. Students from all programs at Indian Hills were encouraged to attend, and the public was also invited.
“It was a good opportunity to make contact with a lot of the students and instructors from the Indian Hills programs for laser technician, robotics, machining, and maintenance,” explained HR Coordinator Linda Russell, who attended the fair.
The very large career fair had 143 employers in attendance, and organizers counted over 1,000 attendees passed through the fair.
[caption id="attachment_3479" align="alignright" width="300"] The Co-Line booth at the Indian Hills Career Fair on Feb. 16.[/caption]